Virgo Season 2019
As we bask in the end-of-summer glow, Virgo season arrives on August 23rd and shifts our focus to creating order and harmony out of the magical chaos of life.
Ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s power is in the attention to details – self-reliant, independent, and always prepared. Virgo season reminds us to embrace our inner power as the sovereign Beings we are, fully capable of caring for ourselves and others with our own unique resources by combining our discerning intellect with our bodily wisdom.
While Virgo is represented by “The Virgin” – it’s important that we consider the true meaning of this archetype, and the way our interpretations of certain words have changed over the years. “The Virgin Goddess” symbolizes Mother Nature herself and has nothing to do with “virginity.” Rather, a virgin goddess (or maiden goddess) is a goddess who is not bound to anyone else – a creator in her own right. With that in mind, Virgo is truly represented by “The Sovereign Goddess.”
As a mutable earth sign, Virgo understands how even the physical, practical and diligently considerate approach is not necessarily linear, straight-forward, or predictable. Virgo teaches us to go with the flow in the most grounded way possible. Also representative of harvest season, Virgo is attuned to the abundance of the present moment while also considering what work needs to be done in preparation for the future.
This astrological season encourages us to consider how much responsibility we are willing to take for our lives. Virgo reminds us that we all have the ability to create more stability, build more independence, and nourish ourselves more deeply so that we may show up in service to the world at large.