The Practice of Mindful Living

We all think. Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to consider or reason about something. It is the kind of cognitive process that can make new connections and create meaning. Thoughts, if naturally observed, can offer us relevant insight into our own identity structures, systems of beliefs, conditioning, fantasies and projections. Observing our thoughts in a healthy, detached manner is a way of acknowledging the spaciousness of our natural state, which is already here and always present. When our attention is merged with this space, we are more likely to be guided by our heart and intuition to what feels good versus what our mind says we think we should do, or should not do. There is nothing wrong with the more mental component, it is just that sometimes the mental noise drowns out the sometimes softer, intuitive voice of our heart and soul. We are not broken, at times we just forget our wholeness and completeness.
When we practice mindful living, we are in harmony with our environment, the seasons, and the people in our community. We are an integral part of this great super organism, our Earth and Universe, and therefore active co-creators in the web of life. Re-establishing a bond with our planet reminds us of our responsibility to live with intention and love. It guides us to consciously choose products made by hand and sourced directly from the land. The selection process at H&L is done with great intention, dedication, passion, love and care, which allows us to share some of the finest products available in the world.
We have a carefully curated selection of products in store and online to support you in clearing away some of the mind's mental chatter and also aid you in remembering, recognizing and reconnecting to your wholesomeness and completeness - the inner temple and sanctuary within.