Scorpio Season 2019
As the air begins to cool and the days get shorter, Scorpio season arrives on October 23rd.
A fixed water sign, Scorpio is the iciest of the zodiac. But below that icy surface, there is an immense depth of emotional understanding, subconscious wisdom, and psychic power. Scorpio season asks us to shift our focus from our outer environment to our inner realms, helping us go to the darker places where magic hides but we don’t often choose to visit.
When we speak of Scorpio, we should be cautious of associating shadow and darkness with difficulty and fear. Yes, stepping into the unknown or acknowledging the unseen may be challenging at times, as all things are, but the stars and nature around us are ushering us into these mysterious waters and encouraging us to take this journey, so there is no need to fear. Instead we can embrace the magic that is most natural to Scorpio – the magic of transformation.
As the ruler of the 8th house, Scorpio is often referred to as being the sign of intensity, sexuality, death, and power. While, yes, these topics are aspects of Scorpio, what these words are actually pointing to is the overarching theme of transformation. There is a profound strength and courage in being willing to let go of the past, shed your skin, and step into a new reality, perspective, or way of Being. And just as the leaves fall from the trees as we get closer to winter, Scorpio season asks us to consider what it is time to release in order to clear space for the new.
Represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio has a protective outer surface and the ability to unleash a fatal sting if provoked. Similar to the occasional biting chill of an autumn breeze, the intensity of Scorpio season is the sporadic side effect of working with such profound transformational energy.
Take time this Scorpio season to feel beyond the surface-level sting and summon the power of deep and intuitive waters. Reflect on who you’ve been, who you are, and who you are becoming. Relate to others with a greater sense of intimacy, understanding, and empathy. Explore the expanses of your heart, your pains, your hopes, and your existence that you have not recently considered. May you release with ease and compassion towards yourself, so that you may step into a more evolved world by the time Spring returns.
Join Brenna Paxton of Astra Aura and Jessica Moler of Hand & Land on Thursday, October 24th for a Cosmic Club Moon Circle devoted to exploring the energy of Scorpio and how we can incorporate this wisdom into our daily lives.