Sagittarius Season 2019
As we venture deeper into the darkness of winter, a shimmer of light appears over the horizon, propelled forward by the optimistic and expansive nature of Sagittarius season. Arriving on November 22nd, Sagittarius season reminds us to turn our focus outward and upward – to explore the further reaches of the wisdom that we uncovered during our recent inner journey of Scorpio season.
Ruled by larger-than-life Jupiter, Sagittarius asks us to share our inner depth with the rest of the world. Now is the time to philosophize and muse with friends and strangers about everything you’ve been pondering internally for the past month. When we begin to share our discoveries and learnings, our insights are often strengthened, validated, and expanded upon. New perspectives are able to form through discussion that could bring even more insight and wisdom to your life and the lives of others – which is incredibly beneficial to the ongoing process of personal and collective evolution.
Represented by a centaur & archer – ready to shoot an arrow with his bow – Sagittarius energy is constantly aiming for a brighter tomorrow, eyes focused on the bigger picture. As the ruler of the 9th house of philosophy and travel, Sagittarius is ready to take a risk and go out an explore the expanses of the world and of the mind. As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius also has a fiery, impulsive nature that is blunt, candid, and ready to bring everything to the surface so that it is out in the open – but in a way that is flexible and easy-going.
This season, Sagittarius asks us to consider – How can we bring a sense of radical honesty to our lives so that new ideas and solutions have an opportunity to arise? How can we become more open-minded to other possibilities and perspectives? What are we aiming for? What inspires and motivates us to expand? How can we share and express the inner parts of ourselves more fully?
Join Brenna Paxton of Astra Aura and Jessica Moler of Hand & Land on Thursday, November 21st for a Cosmic Club Moon Circle devoted to exploring the energy of Sagittarius and how we can incorporate this wisdom into our daily lives.