Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth
As Spring approaches, we take stock of the things we prioritize to bring us a life of abundance, vibrancy, and vitality. For us, that priority has become health.
Health is Wealth is a philosophy borne from an earnest desire to live life to its fullest and share it with those closest to us. Beyond the material needs, we each possess a spark inside that craves needs of a deeper state – abundance, vibrancy, and vitality. In order to achieve these true needs, we require….health.
When we put money in the bank, we accrue interest – in the same vein, when we put investment into our physical vessel, we accrue interest in the form of strength, ease, and health. When we begin to look at a massage, or acupuncture, or whole foods, or toxin-free body products, as accumulating health interest, what other possibilities does that open? Imagine your body at its highest health – how would life be different? If the benefits of massage include improved immune function, reduced stress, lower heart rate, and improved energy, what must the deficits of never getting one be?
There is a practicality to health that is sometimes hushed by its cost. Hushed by that pesky word, “luxury” – but we don’t view getting an oil change for our car as a luxury, or a new tire if one is leaking. Isn’t it funny how we view going to the dentist every six months as an unpleasant (but necessary) chore, but we scoff at “indulging” in services for our skin? It is a luxury to care for ourselves, yes, but it is also a necessity.
If you’re reading this, you have likely felt the calling to experience a life fully lived. A life where you aren’t just surrounded by things, but by laughter, comfort, warmth, and loved ones. We have slowly begun to unwind the misconceptions of wealth and redefine them by our own standards. A standard that chooses goods unadulterated by pesticides or plastics, and that places our wonderful, precious body as a priority and vessel for the fullest living.
Worldwide, there are makers who have made this very model a core of their mission. Makers who choose the integrity of natural, organic, body-guided products because it isn’t just their health they are concerned for – it’s yours, too. The harmful effects of pesticides and toxins for both ourselves and our ecosystems are well-documented, and while the use of them can provide cheaper products, they also form actions that rob our bodies and our planet of the investments we’ve been placing in them. By choosing natural and handmade, we choose to honor another who also aligns with our vision of health as wealth, and provide for them and their family a living. In this way, health extends beyond our being to the community that thrives around us, and beyond that, to the living, breathing world.
It can feel overwhelming. We get it. It can feel like a war between what to choose, and when we go overboard, it can be easy to feel like we're swimming in dollar signs. But first, take stock - take a look at the daily products you use that maybe aren't so toxin-free. Maybe at any places where your health interest is being routed to less helpful activities. And start by just choosing one thing or service to replace with something that makes you feel healthy and alive, and brings you one step closer to that body of highest health you imagined earlier. And if you have any know where to find us. ;)