DIRTY THOUGHTS | Consider What You're Using
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at an event dedicated entirely to self-care. It was a beautiful evening made up of panels, speakers, a marketplace, DIY products and a variety of holistic treatments. Something has opened up for Kansas City and beyond, conversations are being had and people are awakening to a different kind of wellness. The definition of health is evolving, and a variety of expressions such as yoga, body work, meditation, energy work, crystal healing, and traditional healing methods are becoming popularized and more mainstream. As we continue down the green path, we may discover areas in our lives that need attention that might not have been as obvious. I had my "ah-ha" moment while living overseas when I realized that the majority of my personal care products were laden with harmful chemicals. I remember thinking "How is this even possible? How can these companies get away with using chemical fillers as ingredients?" During the self-care event I realized some people are still in the discovery phase and haven't come to their ah-ha moment yet.
One attendee asked why someone should even consider what they are using and why they should switch to natural personal care products. At this moment it became clear, what I was sharing could be new information. Not everyone knows that on average women use 12 personal care products a day that contain roughly 168 different chemical ingredients that can contribute to individual toxic build up, illness, and dis-ease. What the what? Yes. And did you know that it has been 80 years since congress voted to regulate cosmetics?
See, large corporations are in a position of power and currently have the ability to legally put profit over health. Nicole and I opened H&L so that everyone has access to high quality, plant based products in our area. It is with the power of plants that we have felt and seen unparalleled, positive results in the quality of our physical bodies, our skin, hair health, mental, emotional, and spiritual health as well - and you will too!